Thursday 12 May 2016


Internet has become the biggest library of information for prospective buyers online, emerging as the most powerful selling tool. Internet offers cost effectives way for communication between organization and their stake holders to market their product or services, WHILE
An extranet is a type of network where information can be shared digitally via web portal. That means a person you don’t have to be in any particular location to use an extranet but rather making it the ideal type of network for companies and organization to share information with selected outside parties such as client, customers and outside business partners.
In general extranet are widely used to across all industrial sectors because it allows sharing confidential information with third parties in some shape form.
Speaking of the question at hand the following is the discussion about the importance of internet and extranet incorporate communication and by starting the following are the some of the importance of internet in corporate communication and this includes the following;
Communication, this is vital to any business that is through internet it ensured that this can be easily achieved foristance email, it also make it easier for business to deliver messages to people working within the organization for example in travel agency the problem of overbooking become almost impossible as all communication problems that may cause it are removed hence it allows the improvement by speeding up communication and providing all necessary information.
Images, speaking of this, it is very important to create images to any business wishing to success and thus the internet can aid a business in achieving the perfect image and this is through having an effective website that can create the perfect web existence as many business these days use social network as a means of making themselves known to their targets. Under image through visualization of product and services by multimedia technology leaves greater impression on potential customer than standard brochures, catalogue and leaflets.
Information, through internet it simplified the way in which the business collects and record information that is people are capable to conduct effective research by searching the web for example the important information concerning stock exchange be obtained. Not only that but also information concerning transaction and payment can now be available online which has simplified and speedup payment process, also by using internet it can provide high quality information to client as in travel agency that is quicker offer of service related to travel, fast order and express delivery.

It saves time, under this the internet helps to provide selling services of product on demand that is to mean the business through the internet is more fast than other kinds of business as the internet represents an interesting and useful distribution channel for collecting clients and hence the clients have the ability to identify their desire and then make the business through online hence save time rather than that of going to where the product is and then buy so in other word internet made other people to do online business while do other business hence save time.
Low operating cost, speaking of this generally the internet has shown to be of more profitable medium of promotion and sales in any business and this is because the product distribution and services of the agencies do not depend  on the quantity of printed catalogues any more but rather information about them can reach millions of the internet users in a short time hence one can find that internet is cheat compared to those kind or means of operating business which will need money to advertise and reach millions of people in a short time so for this fact internet is a good one, foristance CRS/GDS system in travel agency allow better and more efficient business with client.   
Having looking on the importance of the internet as being discussed above so the following is the importance of extranet incorporate communication;
Easy to share information, this is to say foristance all the information you need for any given project that is to include all versions of relevant uploaded documents are in one place hence easy to search any information you need to. In other words through extranet for example glasscubes all information are in one place hence make it easy for others to access those information hence easy to share.
It is safe and secure, since information is a lifeblood of any company then need to be stored securely, and this can be done by the extranet so through extranet information are safe and secures as one of the importance of extranet that is only to those who have relevant permission in any given work group who need to access any particular document in other words each user has a password protected log in hence information of a company are safe and secured.
Professional look and branding, through extranet one could make his or her own professional looking environment for all stakeholders to collaborate and communicate so that to give a company an edge against competitors and not only this but also it can be branded and even completely labeled to appear as your organizations own technology. So for this case through extranet one can make his own brand and good looking environment so that to advertise the business or a company hence this also is a importance to take into consideration.

Effortless project management, this is all about collaboration within a company that is to say through extranet create an easy room for internal staff and third parties to collaborate based in remote location and hence one can avoid those endless meeting or making phone calls so as to keep all stakeholders up to date so this is importance to consider under extranet.
Conclusion, above all are the importance of both internet and extranet in corporate communication that is to say those discussed above are those things that made internet and extranet to be more important in business as well as running company or corporate.

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