Sunday, 29 May 2016

A PERSUASIVE SPEECH ON Why Should a PR student create a Network? By Basil Mbuna


Why should a PR student create a network?

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
A lot of students, especially PR students, go through their studies without creating and searching for a network. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that, and they finish their bachelor degree without any network. I believe that everyone should have enough network before graduating and start looking for a job or any economic opportunity to go with. The purpose of this talk is to show to you why is it necessary to create a network?

Firstly, Networking accelerate your professional development,

Through creating network with people from your field of academic it helps you to develop your professional. This comes when your network equips you with reliable awareness concerning your field of study. For example, as PR practitioner it is wisely knowing and being connected with successful PR practitioner who will help to accelerate your professional progress. Dear my fellow PR student time for networking ourselves is now.

Secondly, Networking facilitate win-win relationships,

Formal contracts don’t make successful relationships, people do. It requires a willingness to create a foundation on which trust, loyalty, and commitment can be built.  Remember, every relationship is unique and must be treated as special. The basic rule is that you get what you put into the relationship. A partnership is successful to the degree that it’s win-win for everyone. It replaces the traditional “us versus them” mentality with a new “us” that enables everyone to grow and to reach their full potential.
So for a PR practitioner we expect to develop a network that will be profitable to both side. 

Thirdly, Network creates opportunities,

All the best opportunities are shared person to person in back channels. Everything from prime domain sales through to employment opportunities. If two people are equally qualified then it goes to who you know, like and trust. A lot of the time even when the person you like is less qualified. Dear my fellow PR student time for networking is now lets make our own future.

Fourthly, Networking can further your career,
Many, many jobs aren’t advertised, so if you want to be in with a chance of getting that internal promotion or taking a role outside your company as a step up, you have to network to find out about them. People recommend people they like, so while you might not have met the person you will be working for in the future you might have met one of their contacts who could put you forward for that dream job. Networking ourselves is now let’s make it real.
On the other side there are key tips that you can adopt in making yourself networked;
According to one scholar called Misner he provided three tips for creating an effective network,
 One of Misner's favorite acronyms is "VCP," which stands for:
Visibility: "They know who you are and what you do." So as a public relations practitioner you need to show the people what you do so that people might be attracted to join a network with you.
Credibility: "They know who you are and what you do, and they know that you're good at it. No one will create a network with you if you are not trustworthy,  as PR practitioner you truly need to be enough credible.
Profitability: "They trust you enough that they're willing to do business with you." When your trusted it will be possible for you to have a profitable network hence you will be in a position of running various business with them.

In concluding, I would like to advice you that, having a diverse network is just as important as having a large network. If you only know people who are like you in your industry or social group -- "your network becomes insular," But when your network is diverse, you're more likely to know "connectors," or those who can put you in touch with people you never would have met

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