Saturday, 28 May 2016

essentials for successful mass communication


Mass communication is usually one way flow of information. The effectiveness of this communication primarily depends on the sender of the message. In order to make mass communication effective, the sender should fulfill the following perquisites.

Appropriate Planning: Successful mass communication requires appropriate planning about what, who, whom to be communicated. This will guide the whole communication process.

Clear Idea about the Message: Clear idea about the message is an essential requirement of any communication. But this is more important in mass communication due to its large number of audiences. If the sender lacks sufficient knowledge on the message, he is unlikely to communicate successfully.

Understandability: Success of mass communication mostly depends on the receivers understanding. Hence, the message communication should be simple so that target audiences can understand it easily. Moreover, the message should be attractive to draw people’s attention to it.

Use of Appropriate Channel: There are numerous channels of mass communication like radio, television, newspaper, magazine etc. however not all the channels are suitable for every message. Therefore, an appropriate channel should be selected to convey the message to the intended audiences. While selecting the channel, communicator must consider cost requirement, time involvement and level of education of the audience; distance etc for example, radio is suitable for advertising mini pack shampoo rather than English dailies.

Authenticity of Facts: The facts or messages of mass communication must be accurate and authentic. Inaccurate or false information confuses the receivers and gives a negative impression about the sender.
Consistency: Consistency between the message and actions of the sender greatly determines the success of mass communication. If audiences find any inconsistency between the message and real actions of the sender, they will lose confidence upon the sender.

Arranging Feedback System: Arrange feedback system is another factor for enhancing the efficacy of mass communication. Feedback helps to know the receivers attitudes, feelings, responses and although the audiences of mass communication stay far away from the source of information, sender should seek feedback to make the communication effective.
From the above discussion, we can conclude that the preconditions of effective mass communication are related to the skills and knowledge of the sender; quality and authenticity of the message and appropriateness of the channel.

Scope of Mass Communications
The scope of mass communication is very pervasive. All aspects of modern society like entertainment, economics, politics, education, science, religion, charities, agriculture, and transportation fall within the scope of mass communication. With the advancement of human civilization and technology, its scope is increasing day by day. In the following, the scope of mass communication is discussed:

Mass communication in social affairs: The existence of mass communication is seen in very sphere of social life. Every day, millions of people listen to the radio, watch television, read newspapers for recreation, entertainment, weather forecast, political programmers, sports news, job information, advertisements of products and services and so on. In true sense, mass communication is an indispensable part of every major social activity of modern life.

Mass communication in business: Relying on mass communication, modern business organizations are operating globally. The mass media are the main tools of advertisements. Mass media help to create demand of products and services in different parts of the world.

Mass communication in management: Mass communication also exists in performing management functions. Management has to rely on various media of mass communication in recruitment, selection and training of employees; developing labor-management relationships; communicating with the mass people and so.

Mass communication in politics: Mass communication is also seen in politics. Political ideologies, manifesto, programs etc are communicated through various mass media. Without mass media, political campaigns would be limited.
Mass communication in international affairs: International affairs are also within the scope of mass communication. International mass communication brings together various development programs, policies and opinions of people living in different societies.

Mass communication in state affairs: State affairs like formulation and dissemination of state polices, laws, rules etc are also within the scope of mass communication. In additions, various government programs relating to health, sanitation, education, social awareness etc. are disseminated through mass media.

Mass communication in marketing: In mass marketing of products and services, companies rely on mass media like advertisement and publicity. The role of mass communication in expanding the product market in home and abroad in inevitable.

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