Thursday, 19 May 2016

Why does organizational failure occur at such a high rate? By Basil Mbuna

Why does organizational failure occur at such a high rate, and
What can you do to avoid it?

Let’s say that you want to make a change in your organization. It could be anything really — maybe you want the sales team to embrace a new strategy or you want the entire office to implement a new HR policy. Whatever the case, one thing is for certain: it won’t be easy. 
Even though we are living in a time where business is conducted as Bill Gates once observed “at the speed of thought,” employees tend to resist change 

Why does organizational failure occur at such a high rate, and
What can you do to avoid it?

1. Lack of Communication
No, it’s not that management fails to communicate what the change is or what it should look like, but rather, they fail to communicate why the change is needed. The number one reason why organizational failure occurs is because the case for making a change is not adequately articulated to the troops, and therefore, is never fully embraced.
So too your office. If you articulate a clear, positive vision for the future and explain why that change is necessary, the chances are much higher that your desired change will be embraced.

2. Differing Agendas
Poor communication will have many children. One of those will be staff members who resist the change due to ego and self-interest. Without a full understanding of why a change is needed, some employees will be threatened by it and thus will resist it out of perceived self-interest; they need to protect their little fiefdom.
Another bastard child of poor communication are those employees who will feel alienated or excluded. If, for instance, the change is a top-down dictate where the team had no real chance to give their input, the result will likely be people who don’t own the change and therefore resist it.
4. A Lack of Leadership
It is incumbent upon management to create an atmosphere where the troops buy into the new corporate vision. But if employees feel alienated or otherwise don’t trust their higher-ups, getting them to buy into any new direction will be quite difficult.

5. Poor Planning
Changing the direction of an organization requires forethought. If the change is entered into willy-nilly, or too quickly, or without a proper plan, a likely outcome will be a false start, resistance, and/or eventual failure.

6. Lack of Commitment
If you really want to create a change in your organization, there has to be a 100% commitment on the part of the leadership. Once you have that, the same commitment should be expected of everyone in the business. The desired change must be considered a rule, not an option.

7. Poor Processes
Finally, success will require that you give your team a means and process for implementing the desired change; otherwise, their natural reaction to resist will persist.
Author Rick Maurer puts it this way: Most people react to change by putting up a wall of protection. It is the job of the leader in an organization to engage with those people so they truly understand why the change is needed.

          Basil  Mbuna

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