Tuesday, 31 May 2016

By Bihongoye Erica (BAPRM 42535)
Public relation is the deliberate planned and sustainable efforts to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics, according to British (by Moore Fraizer p.5)
(According to Moore Fraizer,p.23)
The origins of public relation, however can actually be traced back to the to the dawn of Civilization. Its fundamental element informs people, persuading people and integrating people were basic to the earliest society just they are today.
Goals, techniques, tools and ethical standards as change with the passage of time. Primitive leaders example were concerned with maintaining control over their followers through the use of force, intimidation or persuation.if these failed magic –totem, taboo or supernaturalism was invoked. Attempts to control opinion were conditioned by the fact that the individual had not then developed a sense of individuality.
Examples, In Acient Egypt, priest were experts in public opinion and persuasion. Much of the early art and literature  was devoted to impressing upon the public the greatness and importance of Kings,priest,nobles ,scribes and other leaders. Later Alexander the great imported the idea of divinity from the East into Greece. He was the first Westerner to call himself a God.
The growth of Hellenic civilization was characterized by a story tendency toward seculazation and individualism. Which endowed individual with a sense of his  own  personality. Hence opinion became a key factor in public life. other example, Roman also had their concept  of public opinion and public relation which are reflected in such coined terms rumores  (senate and the people  of Rome).root of the word  republic and SPQR (senate and the people of Rome)
The Oratory of Cicero historical writing of Julius Caesar the temples, statues, painting pamphlets of the era all were the media of Public opinion. The church molded public opinion and its power and effective depended upon its public relations activities. Example The rise of medieval guilds introduce a new factor that develop opinion outside the church and led to the development first of small business then of larger more extensive enterprises. (By F.Moore p.24)

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