Thursday, 19 May 2016

By Mwangata Fredrick B.
The new economy has changed the business operations. Has ushered in great business opportunities and great turmoil. Despite some people have successes, however, change remains difficult to pull off, and few companies manage the process as well as they would like.
These are the ways on how the company may trends with new economy that comes after emergence of network society.
Training of employees, the corporate communicator must advices the organization to support the training of employees about the knowledge concerning new trend of technology, they have to get knowledge about internet and technological trend. This is because the network society brings the new economy that based on the people who chart online or people who has access of internet. Also this is because, one of the characteristic of new economy is informational, this means the information also about the technology must also spread to the employees. This is to make them to stay in Inclusion, means to have knowledge about network society.
Use of Consultants, to change strategies of the company also rely heavily on external consultants. The consultants can help CEOs get a fix on urgent issues and priorities. The consultants will come with their own ideas that will help the organization to trend more in the market. The consultants must be expert of computer such as Information Technology technicians, software engineers that may help the organization to know how to build their websites, intranets or information system of the organization and how to secure them. Also the marketers and communication experts that may give some ideas on how to penetrate to the new economy.
Change on traditional ways of operation to the modern way that is more computerized. The traditional ways were so mechanical that people had to use much efforts to do their works, but now days the world is still changing, almost everything done technologically. Even the letters are written using computers that already show how to write it by show the outline and after that they send through online in e-mails. So people are not anymore going to send it traditionally, they using computers.
Doing market through the using of technological devices, even the marketing activities now days are done through internet devices. People are advertising their products and services through social media such as Instagram, twitter, facebook, whatsapp and many others. This is because network societies use most of their times in social media, so it is very simple for those in network society to see the adverts. So the company may use the internet to motivate and influence customers to buy their products and services.
The corporate communicator must engage more in network society, as a corporate communicator, he or she has to sniffing around through different social networks to know what they talk about the company, products and services, what do they suggest, complain and also to know what is more trending in the community through listen and read to their words they talk.

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