Sunday, 29 May 2016

According to Mills (1995; pg. 77) defined communication by action as a kind of non verbal communication where thoughts, intentions or feelings are expressed by physical behaviours. The movement of parts of the body speaks as a clear language.
The following are the forms of communication by action in non verbal behaviour noticing how we use to communicate with each other Samovar pg, 78.

Eye contact
Eye is the bodily symbol identify our eyes if are capable of sending innumerable message they tell others when our communication are open and when we wish to terminate or avoid communication. Example: Eyes can express our emotional state, depression, interest or boredom, trust, love, or hatred.
Keep in touch with your listeners by looking at them as indicated. This allows you to show interest while you monitor their reaction to your message

Body movement can be intentional or unintentional. Movements are those that we use consciously and with purpose. For example playing with an object on the table or random pacing are examples of unintentional movement.

General Appearance
In most cases the audience will see you before they hear you, the way you standing the clothing you wearing the jewelry and accessories you are displaying and your general grooming all contribute to that vital first impression.
Example of obvious general qualities such as sex, skin colour, size which read to judge someone. Western cultures places an extremely value on the physical appearance including Akan Society.

Facial Expression
Is integral when expressing emotions through the body combination of eyes, lips and cheek movement help from different moods of an individual. Example happy, sad

Are movements made with body parts like hand, fingers, head, legs and they may be voluntarily or involuntarily which may signal whether we are open to interaction and how we are open to interaction and how we feel about others for example put hand to cheek mean you are thinking about something or evaluations, arms crossed on chest means defensiveness.

Distance between people send various messages in space, and how we use it every culture has norms for using space and how close people should be to one another. Example: if you find yourself in a very small room you might be very close to your listener.

Is body position and body motions including those of the face our bodies express a great deal about how we see ourselves (Julia Wood, pg. 154)

Can communicate powerful messages, we use silence to communicate different meanings with different people and place. Example: In some families children are disciplined by being ignored when they fail to listen to their parents or guardians in different circumstances like warning

Conclusion; the human body is veritable instrument of communication and its gestures can be used to praise honor, insult, warn, show respect and sympathy also express beliefs.

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