Sunday 15 May 2016

Effects of Globalization

Globalization has become one of the most popular buzzword of our time frequently used by people. Globalization is the increasing interaction of national economy with that of the First World, which ultimately aims at creating a state of frictionless capitalism. The process of globalization entails that there is interconnection of sovereign nations through trade and capital flows; harmonization of economy rules that govern relationship among these sovereign nation; creating structures to support and facilitate interdependent and creating a global market place.
globalization can be viewed as a process of shifting autonomous economies into a global market. In other words, it is the systematic integration of autonomous economies into a global system of production and distribution. Books, newspapers, radio, television and video program are now being transposed into the multimedia world of the cyber space and available to all people of the world wherever they may live. The fact that we are human does not mean we are the same. Culture changes exactly the same way as the human being change. In other words, culture is dynamic. This is to say that culture is learned and practiced gradually
Culture has been defined differently by people. The different definitions attach to culture is based on the differences in the orientation of the people. Furthermore, culture is the complex while which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of the society. Among the feature that characterize culture is that has its own personality and identity. The following could be the effects of globalization in culture:
Globalization has resulted in the introduction of policies aimed at eliminating all obstacles of the “free” exercise of economic activity across boundaries including trade liberalization, te deregulation of production, the labor market and the market of goods and services and the implementation of regional and international agreements. Nigeria, for instance, has opened her border to goods and services of ECOWAS nations.
The impact of globalization on the culture is immense and diverse. It has affected the cultural aspect of people in different ways. For instance, the loud echoing advertisement rhythms of the famous Coca-Cola drinks can be heard across the boundaries in towns, cities and even in remote rural areas where drinking water is hard to get. This is why Duru-Ford (2002) observes that people had to change their living ways due to influence of globalization.
Globalization that is built on the unacceptable levels of inequities to vulnerable communities ad groups, or courses global environmental damage and disregards our obligations to future generations is not conclusive to even and sustainable development.
Many children have dropped out of schools because their families cannot afford to pay their school fees. This situation is reducing the little opportunities they have. There is a limit to one’s capacity to enjoy one’s right, if one has not gone to school. This means that one may not get a job and therefore one’s rights are affected.

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