Wednesday 18 May 2016



BY SHILLA FLORA .M. BAPRM 42669 (18th May)

       Theory is a set of ideas/factual general statement whose aim is to simplify people’s understanding of typical/certain phenomena. It predicts the occurrence of particular events. There are different theories of Corporate Communication and many of them are originated from different schools of management and communication where Public Relations started being thought for the first time. In addition such theories lay foundation on how Public Relations can be practiced. They actually guide you how to practice Public Relations.

The following are the theories in Corporate Communication;

Managerial Vs Technician Theory

It was developed by Public Relations Researchers in US; include Broom and Smith in 1979. Later it was advanced by Broom and Dozier in 1995. This theory suggest that Corporate Communication Managers/personnel plays the following roles;

§  Managerial Roles

As Corporate Communication is the managerial function in the sense that the practitioner are part of top management and consider as strategic corporate communication managers who plays the following roles;

Ø  Expert Prescriber; that he is a researcher, counselor or adviser, communication programs manager and strategist.

Ø  Communication facilitator; he act as a link between Organization and stakeholders.

Ø  Problem solving facilitator; he is responsible in doing the research and finding out potential problems that likely to affect the organization and its stakeholders.

§  Technician Roles

Ø  They are not at the top management

Ø  They are just the doers or implementers of the orders

Ø  They are not researchers they are just technicians.

Excellence Theory

 This theory was developed by James E. Grunic & Todd Hunt in 1984-1992. It involves four models or elements which reflects the evolution of Public Relations. The following are the four models/elements that reflects the evolution of Public Relations;

Ø  Press Agents Model; involves one way communication (source-receiver) and no dialogue. It also involves the use of Press Agents/Journalist to communicate with stakeholders and mostly associated with propaganda.

Ø  Public Information Model; It’s a one way communication with the aim of spread of truthful information to the public. Also this element communicates to the public through the use of Press Agents.

Ø  Two-Way Asymmetrical Model; is a two way communication (sending-feedback) and it involve the use of research. Asymmetrical means unbalanced and only Organization benefits and not the public.

Ø  Two-Way symmetrical Model; it a two way communication and it’s the excellent way of communication with stake holders and public in general. Mutual benefits both sides and mutual understanding and strive to achieve excellent communication.

Reflective Theory

 It was proposed that since the organization is exist around communities of people and together with other organization that conducts different or the same activities done with your Organization, it has to look beyond or outside the box and come into considerations of other Organization or public surrounding them. In order for the Organization to succeed in its operations must reflects or in line with or match with the social, political, economical and Technological/Legal realities. This will keep the Organization in good image and maintain its reputation outside and inside the Organization’s Operations.







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