Wednesday 18 May 2016


Assenga Vera C

According to American association,Advertising is any form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas,goods and services usually paid for by an identified sponsor

Also according to Arens, 2002 Advertising is the structure and composed of non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products,good,services and ideas by identified sponsors through various media.

Advertising comes from the the Latin word "Advertere" which means to turn the mind towards


1.Non personal: Anonymous people who are heterogeneous who differ in terms of their background, Age and sex

2.Paid for : The space and airtime that is used is paid for,This distinguishes advertising from other forms of public relations communication like publicity which is usually not purchased

3: The sponsor of the advertisment is identified: This is usually done for obvious reasons and is the main message in advance however sometimes there are few cases like in political advertising where the identify of advertiser

4. Structured : This uses both verbal and non verbal communication elements that are composed to fill specific place and time.

5. Persuasive: in nature they aim to convince people to purchase services or products or to accept their ideas .However there are few adverts are just intended to inform and not persuade.

6.Communication : Advertising is a means of mass communication it is a non personal communication because it is addressed to the masses

7. Information : Advertisements inform buyers about the benefits they will get in purchasing the products, however the information given should be complete and time

8. Profit Maximization : Professional or time cover rising does not attempt at maximizing profit by increase the costs but by promoting sales by doing so it will not lead to the manage of the prices of the products .In view of this it has a higher sales approach rather than the higher cost approach

9. Consumer choice : Advertisement facilitates consumers choices since it enables consumers to purchase goods or services within the in-budget and choice
The right choice makes a consumers happy and satisfied

Advertising is an art _ because it represents the field of creativity

Advertising is science _ because it has a body of organizing knowledge

Advertising is a professional_ because it has professional bodies and a code of conduct for members.


To introduce a new product or service by creating an interest for it among prospective customers

To support personal selling programs where it may be used to open customers doors for sells people

To reach people who are inaccessible to sales people

To enter a new market and attract a new group of customers

To increase competition in the market

To enhance good will of the organization by promising better quality products and services

To improve dealer relations .Advertising support the dealers in selling the products and services and dealers are attracted towards the product and service which is advertised affectively

To warn the public against imitation of an organizations products and services.


Research .Advertising encourages research Example; Consumers,Producers can do research in product that are being advertised each organization try to different its products and services available in the market through advertising so that it can survive.

Mass production . Advertising facilitates large scale production which reduces the cost of production per unit.

A good advertising campaign helps in winning new customers locally and internationally

Promotion of sellers of goods and services by informing and persuading people to buy them

Creation of good public image

To warn the public against imitation

To improve deler relations

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