Wednesday 8 June 2016

By Bihongoye Erica (BAPRM 42535)
Cross and Beck, 1997 defined conflict as the differences between and among individuals. The differences are created by nature of the conflict such as goals, values, motives, ideas and resources.
The following are the conflict management techniques or strategies and its criticism
Avoidance and fighting actively:  avoidance may involve actual physical flight, it may also take the forms of emotional or intellectual avoidance whereby you leave the conflict psychologically by not dealing with the issues raised. Men are more likely to use this strategy here you refuse to discuss the conflict or to listen to other people. Devito, 1992; p.91
·         As avoidance increases relationship satisfaction decreases.
·         Non negotiation; here you refuse to discuss the conflict or to listen to other person argument
·         Silencers; are conflict technique that literary silence the other individual example, crying.
Force and talk:  the only real alternative to force is talk instead of using force talk the qualities of openness, empathy, and positive are suitable starting point. Force can be emotional or physical. O In either the case the person wins events the most force; when you talk you tend to split out what is bothering you in conflict. Devito, 2001, p.325
This can be difficult especially in conflict situation where temper may be high and you may find yourself attacked or at least disagreed with.
Argumentation:  is the willingness to argue for a point of view a tendency to speak the mind on significant issue. Joseph 2001, p. 328
This can be a source of conflict because some people tend to argue because they know much about the topic or their familiar with the speakers hence start fighting; it might be they fail to reach the conclusion concerning the argument.
An avoiding style: Refers to when an individual feels low concern for himself or herself and low concern for others. It is characterized by avoidance or withdraws physically or emotionally, we manage conflict by avoiding certain things such as ignoring phones calls or refuse to respond a request. This happens because parties fear that any kind of confrontation may damage the relationship this is common in early stages of a relationship.
This technique may lead fear to the individuals relationship because both of them they  avoid confrontation to each other even if they discuss about productive issues that means every one fear to his or her contribution to another.
Personal rejection and acceptance: In personal rejection, one person withholds love and attention he or she seeks to win the argument by getting the other person to break down in the face to this withdraw the individual are acts cold and uncaring in an effect to demoralize the other person. In withdrawing attention for example the individuals hope to make the other person question his or her own worth once the other is demoralized and feels less than worth, it is relatively easy for the rejecter to go his or her way.
In this technique one individual tend to be selfish in a way that he or she wish to fulfill what he or she want instead of looking forward to others too because most of the time they wish for acceptance than rejection even though their argument are wrong which is not correct.
Silencers and facilitating open expression:  Devito pg.389 silencers are conflict techniques that literally silence the other individual among the wide variety that exist one frequently used silence is crying. When a person is unable to deal with conflict when winning seems unlikely, he or she may cry and thus silence the other person.
In this technique can influence  the silencer to commit him or herself to suicide for some times because the person not willing to talk instead of crying so others they lack a chance to talk to him even if they want  to advise him or her.
Manipulating and spontaneity: In manipulation there is avoidance to open in conflict the individual attempt to divert the conflict by being especially charming, the manipulator gets the other person into a receptive and non combative frame of mind then the manipulator presents his or her demands t o weekend opponents.  The manipulator relies on the tendency to give it to people who acts especially nice.
This technique can lead to build strong relationship between the manipulator and individuals because the manipulator they avoiding showing up their feeling to others.
In conclusively, we are advised to build a positive relationship because once we establish a bond relationship must be nurtured as well as pursue our goals.

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