Sunday 3 July 2016

Qualities of an Expert Corporate Communicator
by Hugho Deogratius
Being a corporate communicator is not an easy job and especially being an expert in the field. Someone having excess coffee, carrying a tab, continuously on calls are characteristics which can help you identify a corporate communicator but it is only when you spend time with them you will be able to recognize who is an expert in the field. Following are few characteristics of an able and expert corporate communicator that help determine them:

They have a great news sense:
An expert communicator knows what to look for and will then dig deeper into it to find a news story. For other people, it may be a simple story, for a communicator it could be the tip of a valuable iceberg. They have a clear idea of various questions to be asked to people in different industries and get ideas.

They rewrite to find new story angles:
When one starts to write a story from scratch, then they are able to explore new things and angles in the same story. This allows the communicator to come out with a more effective story.

They examine various view points:
To keep a story balanced, an expert will always consider multiple points of view. He/she will always consider the perspective of everyone related to the story and incorporate the same.
They accept criticism:

An expert knows how to take criticism and understands that after review by other stakeholders or executives, the product/story will come out stronger.

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